Monday 15 November 2021

Boosting Morale: Leadership in Project Management

What makes you feel better when your spirits are low? Hopefully, you know at least one person who makes you feel better when you're down in the dumps. By achieving a project management certification, you’ll know that go-to person who always manages to clear the air and leave you feeling energised. They get a boost whenever they assist you. The act of assisting others makes you feel better, and the more you assist in raising morale, the more you will want to raise morale. That's what you'd call a win-win situation.

Consider morale-boosting to be a mental and emotional workout. You will become stronger the more you do it. This is healthy for your heart, as the introductory quote suggests. Perhaps not your heart as a muscle, but certainly your spirit's heart. However, when your morale is good, your stress level is low, which is beneficial to both your physical and mental health.

What is your workout plans for this week? Will you attend a yoga or Pilates class? Have a personal trainer assisted you with weight training? I hope you have time to go for a stroll, work out at the gym, or run. Physical activity aids in the clearing of the mind, the discharge of tension, and the reconnection with creativity.

By achieving a project management certification, you’ll include another sort of heart-healthy activities in your routine. The kind that entails assisting others. YOU have the potential to reach out and raise others up with your hand. It is beneficial to both them and you. You'll find opportunities to accomplish this type of lifting all around you.

·         Encourage a co-worker who is experiencing a career setback or disappointment.

·         Encourage the staff that is working nonstop to accomplish an impossibly tight deadline.

·         When layoffs or budget cuts are announced, boost employee morale.

·         When a favourite colleague departs the team or the firm, boost morale.

·         Raise your spirits when "Murphy's Law" kicks in and everything that can go wrong does.

·         When a presentation goes wrong or a prototype is rejected, boost morale.

These are just a few examples of situations where you can help folks. When people's spirits are low, YOU are the one who lifts them up. They'll feel better, and you'll feel better, too!

It takes a combination of mind, body, and soul to be a good leader. You can't offer what you don't have, as one of my teachers often reminds me. Build your strength and your spirit. Don't put your own mind, body, and spirit on hold for the sake of others. Include encouraging and uplifting others in your strategy. Everyone benefits when you do so.

Need more insights on the same? Enrol in a project management or business analyst course today!


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