Tuesday 23 July 2019

7 tips to help you successfully clear the PMP exam on first attempt

Here are 7 tips that will help you successfully clear the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification examination on your first attempt.
1.Get a good night’s sleep before your PMP exam. If you have a tired body, you won’t have a relaxed mind and hence you will not be able to perform well in your examination. Avoid parties or hanging out at places, do not study the day before your examination and try to get a good sleep.

2.Try to reach the examination center an hour before your examination. You do not want all the hard works and efforts you have put in your PMP exam prep, go to waste. Make sure you plan to reach the venue an hour before, so as you can make up for the time if you get stuck in traffic or any get indulged in any other situation.

3.Carry all that you need. Basically you will not be allowed to get any sort items with you to the examination center. You must carry your Identification proof and photo ID that will let you have access to the examination hall.

4.Do not eat much. Eating too much can make you sleepy. Avoid taking a heavy diet before your examination. You need to keep yourself focused during the 4 hours of PMP exam

5.You can request for headphones at the examination to avoid any sort of distractions while you are giving your PMP exam

6.Read all the questions before you choose the right option. The options will look most similar to each other. You need to apply your knowledge of project management to find the right one.

7.Do not spend more than a minute to solve a question. Remember that you need to solve 200 questions in 4 hours, and need to have time left to revise the questions in the PMP exam.


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