Thursday 9 September 2021

How to win a Construction Bid in 5 easy steps?

Construction projects are won by submitting a construction bid in response to solicitations or requests for proposals. It may seem like a lot of effort for little reward, but there is a way to submit a construction bid that is both cost-effective and distinguishes your company from the competition.

What is a Construction Bid?

A construction bid is a step in the process of submitting a construction project proposal. The construction bid demonstrates to potential clients that your company is the best contractor for the job, which includes constructing and/or managing their building or structure.

Construction bidding refers to the process of a construction company negotiating with a customer, but it can also refer to how subcontractors obtain work from the contractor once a job has been accepted.

The accuracy of a construction bid can make or break it. The bidder must estimate a realistic cost (including a profit margin) to make the job viable using blueprints, construction plans, and material quantity take-offs.

How to win a Construction Bid?

Construction bidding is a competitive process. Hundreds of companies may compete for a single job. How do you set yourself apart from the competition and land the job without losing money?

·         Know the Competition

Knowing who else is bidding on the job is beneficial. Know who your competitors are and what they're up to. It's not a bad idea to network or join construction trade groups to stay informed about what's going on in the industry. It doesn't hurt to be the first to bid when there's a proposal, so keep an eye on marketplaces where bids are posted.

·         Be Judicious with Your Bidding

Although being the first to bid can help, bidding on every job with a proposal isn't ideal. Spend time crafting the best proposal for the job while also ensuring that it fits within the scope of what your company can do profitably. Create a niche for yourself and look for work that will bring you repeat business.

·         Build Relationships

Building relationships with people who have the power to award work to your company will help you do business better. Identify and build trust with the people who are in charge of initiating new projects.

·         Accentuate Your Strengths

Don't be shy when bidding on a construction project. Promote the characteristics of your company that make it a good fit for the customer. Show off your team, and make sure they know you have the experience they need to get the job done right. When it comes to value, the price tag isn't always the most important factor.

·         Take Your Time

When making a bid, take your time. Make sure you've done your homework and can explain how you'll get them the best return on their investment. Speak with anyone you know who has previously worked for the customer. Get a sense of what they desire.

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